Friday, October 13, 2006

Saturn, Saturn, Burning Bright

At 7:15pm, I was just waking up from a nap. True, it seemed a little odd that my alarm was going off hours after I set it, but I've been known to sleep through multiple snoozes so it wasn't out of the question. The really odd thing was that the alarm didn't seem to want to turn off. I hit snooze, then I hit it again. Then a bit harder. I fumbled around a bit for the off button. It was about then that I realized that my alarm clock was outside. And that it sounded like a car horn. This seemed really, really odd. Strange enough, in fact, to make me look out the window. I wished I hadn't. It was about this time that I figured out why Chris was running down the stairs calling the fire department. Don't blame me for the quality of the pictures in the Flickr set, as his sense of priorities is somewhat skewed and he went for the fire extinguisher before his camera. This is why you there are no images of the car when it was still cool and burn-y. I started to go downstairs, but I realized I was barefoot and had to pee. Since Chris had already grabbed the fire extinguisher I decided to use the toilet... I probably didn't have to go badly enough to really help anyway.

1 comment:

Jason Mayer said...

Whoa. Any word on who did it or why?