Stinking 2.0.1 won't work on my Mac...but I followed your other instructions. We shall see.I should have mentioned that the config.trim_on_minimize may not have any effect on a Mac. Then again, you usually don't have to worry nearly so much about memory leaks under OSX as you do with Windows, so it's kind of a wash. Restarting the browser is still a good bet, however, and I can find the session restore extension for Firefox 1.5 if you're interested. I'm curious why the new build doesn't work for you, however. If you want to go for a comment hat-trick, let me know the details. Also, let me know if you ever got a feed set up for your blog.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Feed Frenzy
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Fast Firefox Fix Found
- Highlight the words config.trim_on_minimize and copy them to the clipboard.
- Open a new tab and type about:config
in the address bar. This will display a page of Firefox's internal configuration values. - Right-click anywhere on the page and select New -> Boolean from the context menu.
- Paste the copied text from above into the input box that appears and hit enter. Yes, you can type it if you'd prefer, I just found cut-and-paste more convenient.
- Select true as the value and click the OK button, then go to the File menu and click that new Restart Firefox option we just added.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
The Spirit Of Christmas Passed (doing about 80MPH)
Damn this nauseatingly familial season. I bought little foil bows for no reason at all. I think I will stick them on my cat. And maybe my tits. [...] Maybe if I find more eel porn it will put me out of my misery before tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
So-oh-oh Urgent... Emergency!
Rock Star
| ||||
You damn rock star. You know all the basics, and if you got any wrong, I bet it was that stupid Traveling Wilburys question. Your friends are probably intimidated by your knowledge of classic rock and envy your impressive collection. When a classic rock song comes on the radio, you can probably identify it before the vocals kick in most of the time. You probably get good scores on the "maiden name of Clapton's mom" tests, too. | ||||
My test tracked 1 variable
How you compared to other people your age and gender:
| ||||
Link: The BASIC classic rock Test written by allmydays on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Thursday, December 07, 2006
The "Blogging In My Blog..." Joke... Again
You Can't Judge A Site By It's Layout*
Google Feeds My Neuroses
Friday, December 01, 2006
Tiltmore Hotel Photos
- Borrow decent camera, take pictures after finishing coffee
- Pre-approved to sign paperwork in reverse
- Make more money
- "Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer to call it threatening to reveal the results of my inspection unless you drop the price or fix stuff."
- Set closing date for wife's birthday (anniversary or Valentine's Day would work as well) to save shopping time.
- [Updated 2006-12-01 10:35pm] Never let emotions affect your dealing with barracuda, lasagna, and realtors.
- [Updated 2006-12-01 11:15pm] Don't tell anyone you're pregnant before the second trimester.
- [Updated 2006-12-07 11:37pm] That was a metaphor, people. I was merely implying that the deal could still fall apart. So far as I know, we are closing 2006-12-20 and no one is pregnant.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
That's Me, Dressed As A Slutty Blogger
The back-side in the costume is The Brat, almost dressed as Slutty Red Riding Hood. The was of course pre-hood as well as pre-lace-up.
My costume is actually supposed to be Hugh Hefner, although I brought it up as a joke. "I don't want to have to wear anything more complicated than pajamas," I told The Brat. "And Arthur Dent is played out. I think it's gotta be Hef."
It was really just a one-off, an attempt to dodge the question, but once she ordered the silk pajamas and silk robe, what was I supposed to say.
Next year perhaps I'll be James Bond so I can get a nice tux. Or maybe Adam Ant in his Dandy Highwayman or Prince Charming phase. That is, if I don't just go as Alfred Hitchcock, as seen here.
I'ts taken me far too long to put this together. AW (not Adam Weishaupt) got his pics to me a day or so after the party, and I had the album on the web with his kind permission within a few days. I'm not sure if the quality is due to the camera (phone AW?), the lighting or the inebriation of the photographer, but I was just glad to have some shots.
Topher got some really good shots early in the party, but discovered quickly that a drunken banana with Mickey Mouse hands should not be handling expensive photographic equipment. It took him a while to get them up in a Flickr set, but I can't complain because it took me longer to post this.
I wish I had some Amazing Tales Of The Party, but I spent so much time mixing (and tasting) drinks that much of the party is a blur to me, and all the good stories were things that happened outside the kitchen. I'm also not aware of any other photos, so if you have any leave a comment or email me at owenj23 at gmail dot com. I'd love to post or link to them. Thanks to everyone for coming, it was a great time, and we hope to see you again on NYE whenever we next have a party.
For now I'll leave you with this picture that I found on an MSDN blog to which I've lost the link. This is my suggested costume for BMW next Halloween, if he doesn't want to be The Whiny Baby again.
HOW-TO: Make BlackBerry Internet Service Work With GMail (again)
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Midnight In The Garden Of Pumpkin And Squash
Monday, October 30, 2006
The Emergency Blogcast System
This is only a test. Just got my new phone, a BlackBerry Pearl, and it's like learning to type all over again. I like the feel of the keys though. Still trying to decide whether I do better with two thumbs or two index fingers. I have at least eliminated the pinky-nose combination. I'm also trying to set up Blogger for posts from my phone. Not yet sure how successful that's likely to be but if you're reading this it must have worked acceptably. [EdNote: Not as well as I'd hoped, but at least the Message-To-Blog system seems to work. More on getting Blogger Mobile set up if and when I am successful.] Tomorrow I'll try to put up a few links to party pics from last night. Tonight I'm busy trying to fold my way through a HORSE tournament on Full Tilt poker. We're about to hit 60/120 7-stud and I have less than 9 BB's so I'll probably be in bed soon.
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
LiveBlogging The Firefox 2.0 Release
9:45am For those of us saddled with day jobs at which we can fake-work by testing new software, it appears that the Firefox team really ought to change how they build URLs if they want to keep their software to themselves through the morning. You can go download it from the ftp site if you're a little clever.
9:51am My two favorite extensions, the plug-in for and the Tabrowser extension, are not compatible with the new version. Le sigh... I know a lot of Tabbed Browsing was included in the new version, I'll have to find my key functions in the options panel.
10:00am God I love the internets. It seems that David Findlay (whoever that is) has been kind enough to solve my problem for me. I haven't tested it yet, but this blog post gives details on how to get the extension working in Firefox 2.
10:27am It looks like you probably want to read David Findlay's post before you upgrade rather than after. I was unable to get it working post-install, and it looks like I may have to do some real work before I can try again. OTOH, if all it takes is a minor text edit to make it work, maybe the folks will get it working pretty quickly. I'd check their site before I went to too much trouble if I were you.
10:47am I miss my Tabbrowser extension. I have yet to find a way to get the search bar to open searches in a new tab.
10:56am You can configure Firefox 2 to automatically subscribe to feeds using Google Reader. Sweet. Check under Tools->Options->Feeds->Subscribe To Feed Using. Other pre-loaded options include Bloglines and My Yahoo, but I'm sure someone will figure out how to put everyone's personal favorites in there soon. Really, though, I'm pretty sure your personal favorite should be Google.
11:49am History->Recently Closed Tabs. Idiot protection for my occasional bouts of hyper-aggressive resource-releasing.
11:56am Firefox Build Engineer J. Paul Reed on why no one should do what I'm doing. Take it from me, kids, downloading pre-release software is neither safe nor a good idea. But it does beat hell out of real work.
1:13pm Just back from lunch, and David (do I know you, David?) has left a comment saying that the extension mod that I posted before worked for him, both at work and at home. It's possible that I was just impatient, as it apparently does not activate the first time you restart but does by the second restart. Whatever you do, it should be noted that clicking the uninstall button is not a good idea under any circumstances if you want to get it to work later. Trust me.
1:32pm Cool new feature: there's a Restart Firefox button after you install an extension. I used to have an extension installed that did this, but it stopped working due to some versioning problem with the Firefox 1.5.0.x Extension Manager. I may yet add it anyway, if the trickery I'm trying now works out.
1:37pm Been using the new version for hours now, and I just noticed the form spell-checker. Of course, I noticed it because it believes that I misspelled "versioning" above, but I'll give it a pass because it's a neat feature. Apparently I could, if it bugged me enough, right click on this (or any) text box and turn spell-checking off for that control. I wonder if there's a way to add words to the dictionary?
1:40pm Super-cool. The "Restart Firefox" button re-opens any tabs. Didn't check if it will re-open multiple windows as well, but I bet it does. Oh, and my XPI hack seems to have worked to re-install the extension. I'll write it up in a minute, once I've tested a bit more.
2:49pm The Restart Firefox extension I mentioned earlier installs just fine, despite the fact that the minversion and maxversion properties in the install.rdf file are both set to 1.4. It didn't work under 1.5.0.*, and I really don't understand why it would work now. Any help?
2:52 pm It works even better than before, too. Just like the "Restart Firefox" button in the extension manager, it re-opens tabs. Again I'm too lazy to test with multiple windows.
3:32 pm Just posted the instructions for modifying the XPI in a separate entry. Not sure, but it looks like they may have already taken care of this in their posted install. I'm leaving work now, but more later once I start breaking shit at home.
7:24pm Take a few hours off and the whole world changes. The good news is, the release is now official, so you can disregard any earlier
7:49pm I guess it kind of looks like I was wasting my time earlier trying to update them myself, but that wasn't really the point. I did learn a lot about how extensions are put together, and I got a comment from someone I don't even know. I did have two extensions installed that have not yet been updated for 2.0. The openselectedlinks extension didn't update, but I just uninstalled since my primary use for it has been supplanted since I found DownThemAll! (which did update). Feedview is a really cool little extension that formats the display of an RSS feed, but I went ahead and uninstalled it so I could see the supposed improvements in FF2's RSS display.
7:59pm Firefox relaunched their Recommended
9:37pm I just installed a nice little extension called TinyMenu which (with a little bit of work) let me entirely eliminate one of the standard toolbars from my life. I got the details from the LifeHacker Download of the Day article, you probably should too.
HOW-TO: Modify an extension to install under Firefox 2.0
Sunday, October 22, 2006
The Dresden Dolls
Live 2006-10-21 St. Louis, MO @ The Pageant
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Zombie Hordes Invade St. Louis
When the Zompocalypse comes, zombies will be created that were ready for cheerleading practice, attending a business meeting, and especially while working in a medical facility of any kind.Of course, I love any sentence that starts, "When the Zompocalypse comes," but the last part made me recall the piles of scrubs Alice has brought home on the days that work gets a little messier than usual for her. I don't expect that the make-up and fake blood are going to be very expensive, and I think this part (again from Lauren) sounds fun:
So the first step is to rip up your outfit. Put your entire outfit on as you will wear it (i.e.- if you have multiple layers, don’t wear/rip them separately). Think of how you might have become a zombie to decide where/how to distress your clothing. Come up with a whole storyline to really sell your costume.If anyone else is interested (or even reads this - see the Quick Quiz last entry) let me know. It would probably be fun - practically an RPG with props - to make a bunch of costumes at once. Of course, it pretty much has to be Friday night or Saturday around noon that we make this happen. Is there any sort of notice besides short? [Ed. Note - I didn't make it, because I'm a lamer, and because I read this "How To Look Like A Zombie" article that Jawbreaker sent me and decided it sounded like more than I could handle by myself. Turns out that Staniel was going, so if I'd cast a wider net I might have ended up there after all. It's a shame I hate bothering people so much with this "communication" bull-shit. I think maybe they should just read my blog more often.]
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Template Terror, Plus A Quick Quiz
So I've been doing the place up a bit? Do you like it?
No, I don't think that I do either.
Anyway, I've been experimenting with the blogger beta template editor. It can do some pretty cool stuff, but being a web designer by profession I feel somewhat obligated to dig down into the actual XML template and see what kind of fun stuff I can accomplish. I'm calling the template I've got up now "BlacklightRoom". The idea, of course, was to emulate some of the colors comonly seen in blacklight-reactive plastics. I've held the DNS registry for for years, so it might be nice to someday have a color scheme set up for it.
It was actually a lot of fun to put this together, because while I am often a web designer by profession, it is very seldom by choice. This template is very much an anti-professional template, as no corporate schmuck would ever approve even one of the color choices (except perhaps Sprint, who uses something very close to this yellow). I also discovered during my experiments a very Web2.0 (or maybe Web1.5b) application called TypeTester, which allows you to view font style and color changes on the fly and then compose the CSS for them. Very handy for those of us frequently forced to wonder what exactly an em is.
I'm kind of curious if anyone reads my blog via the Atom feed. While I was playing with the template, I published a draft of a book report* about 18 times, in order to ensure that the site was annoying enough. Did anyone see those? Once, or more than once? And does my template make things look any different in an RSS reader?
The idea of asking my readership questions hadn't previously occurred to me, but now that it has I have a few other questions. For starters, um... do I have a readership? So far I've been trying hard not to write for an audience, but that doesn't mean I'm not curious if I have one. I know I've sent links to this post to several people, but I haven't made a point of telling anyone so I'm left somewhat curious.
So anyway, drop a comment for me, let me know... do you have me subscribed somewhere, or maybe you're checking up on me occasionally, or you're just dropping by because I twisted your arm or something. Or maybe Google pointed you here because you were searching for "Julia Stiles Breasts On The Cover Of Cosmopolitan." Whatever, I'm curious.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Saturn, Saturn, Burning Bright
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Your Right To Vote
It's people. The Human Network is made out of people. They're making our network out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!The "official definition" in Cisco marketing materials is being selected by the only way considered scientific by 21st standards: the internet poll. As I write this, our hero Phillip is a scant few votes ahead of some guy whining about his "overworked brain." So vote now. Go ahead, I'll wait. It is not necessary to register, nor do you have to wait until November and then wake up early. In fact, vote early and often if you wish, I don't think anyone will care. This may be our last chance to make a difference, at least until we can draft Phillip Torrone as a presidential candidate for the Soylent Green Party.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Talking Heads Half-Time
