Thursday, November 02, 2006

That's Me, Dressed As A Slutty Blogger

The back-side in the costume is The Brat, almost dressed as Slutty Red Riding Hood. The was of course pre-hood as well as pre-lace-up.

My costume is actually supposed to be Hugh Hefner, although I brought it up as a joke. "I don't want to have to wear anything more complicated than pajamas," I told The Brat. "And Arthur Dent is played out. I think it's gotta be Hef."

It was really just a one-off, an attempt to dodge the question, but once she ordered the silk pajamas and silk robe, what was I supposed to say.

Next year perhaps I'll be James Bond so I can get a nice tux. Or maybe Adam Ant in his Dandy Highwayman or Prince Charming phase. That is, if I don't just go as Alfred Hitchcock, as seen here.

They should have shopped at Girls's Costume Warehouse
The woman in the party store looked skeptically at the picture of the model wearing the witch costume. "Don't you think it's a little... revealing?" she asked. Her larger friend stifled a laugh. "Sure, but you can pull it off." I stifled a laugh as I passed, as well. "I could pull that off," I told them. "We're not at Fredericks', y'know. It's Halloween, ladies; you can't just be a witch, you have to be a slutty witch."

I'ts taken me far too long to put this together. AW (not Adam Weishaupt) got his pics to me a day or so after the party, and I had the album on the web with his kind permission within a few days. I'm not sure if the quality is due to the camera (phone AW?), the lighting or the inebriation of the photographer, but I was just glad to have some shots.

Topher got some really good shots early in the party, but discovered quickly that a drunken banana with Mickey Mouse hands should not be handling expensive photographic equipment. It took him a while to get them up in a Flickr set, but I can't complain because it took me longer to post this.

I wish I had some Amazing Tales Of The Party, but I spent so much time mixing (and tasting) drinks that much of the party is a blur to me, and all the good stories were things that happened outside the kitchen. I'm also not aware of any other photos, so if you have any leave a comment or email me at owenj23 at gmail dot com. I'd love to post or link to them. Thanks to everyone for coming, it was a great time, and we hope to see you again on NYE whenever we next have a party.

Costume Suggestion for BMWFor now I'll leave you with this picture that I found on an MSDN blog to which I've lost the link. This is my suggested costume for BMW next Halloween, if he doesn't want to be The Whiny Baby again.

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