Monday, August 14, 2006

Day One - Still Tired From The Move

Am I testing out the new Blogger interface? Am I starting a new blog? Who can tell these days... Although I have to admit, spiffy new interface. Today was the 36th anniversary of my birth, and I spent it off-loading bookmarks to my account so I could get them off of my menu. And adding blogs to my Google Reader, I should point out. I don't really remember how I expected to spend my 36th birthday, but this wasn't it. On the other hand, it will be 13 more years before I am a perfect square age. And I may well die before I am again an age which is the product of two squares. I do want to mention that, while I didn't have much of a drinking binge or a kick-ass party for my birthday, I still have the coolest friends around. Among the auto paraphenalia that my wife gave me was a visor CD wallet... inside were about fifteen mix CDs made by various friends. I haven't listened to any of them yet, but I can't wait. At least the next few weeks of driving to work won't be boring.

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