Saturday, August 09, 2008

Every Story Must Have A Beginning

Since I first started trying to maintain a blog, way back when I had free time, I've been planning on doing the picture-a-day experiment on myself. I've had a fair number of justifications for this plan, but they really all boil down to the One True Reason for all my internet adventures: I want to learn how to better fake narcissism.

I'm sure that as time goes by, you'll all hear plenty more of my philosophical musings on why I'm torturing myself, not to mention my Loyal Readers, in this most nefarious way. For now, however, I just wanted to warn anyone who happens to still be following my lately-derelict personal blog that they should set their browsers to refuse images from this URL for the foreseeable future.

I'm calling this shot Day -1. It was taken 2008.08.08 by Topher, and showcases what happens when I spend about a month ignoring the basic tenets of personal grooming. Part of the reason I'm starting this project now is so I can have this picture right at the beginning of the set; hopefully I can use it as a reference to remember why I need to take better care of myself.

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