Friday, August 18, 2006

You Can't Take It With You

Is it just me, or is there something fundamentally wrong about bringing food to a restaurant? It's like asking for a doggie bag at a buffet. There are no big signs saying, "All You Can Eat While You're Actually Here At The Restaurant," it's just sort of assumed. If it's somebody's birthday and you think they should have chocolate cake, go to one of those places with clapping people who wear funny hats and don't sing "Happy Birthday" the way I learned it for fear of copyright infringement. Don't wheel in your own dessert cart at the neighborhood grill because you don't like their selection of post-meal treats, it's just going to be embarrassing to everyone involved. Particularly your husband.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Panic In Detroit

Things are going well at the new job. I'm still entirely useless, but now I'm panicking about it every third day rather than every other day. Today was the first day I didn't wear The Black Shoes. I went out on a limb and decided it would be okay to wear my grey tennis shoes after the lead developer came in wearing sandals yesterday. It was remarked upon in a meeting by management, but only to say that, during our big important meeting with The Suits From BigComCo next week, it was okay for developers to "show their personality a little in their dress." Whatever that means, I think I'm still going to wear The Black Shoes.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Day One - Still Tired From The Move

Am I testing out the new Blogger interface? Am I starting a new blog? Who can tell these days... Although I have to admit, spiffy new interface. Today was the 36th anniversary of my birth, and I spent it off-loading bookmarks to my account so I could get them off of my menu. And adding blogs to my Google Reader, I should point out. I don't really remember how I expected to spend my 36th birthday, but this wasn't it. On the other hand, it will be 13 more years before I am a perfect square age. And I may well die before I am again an age which is the product of two squares. I do want to mention that, while I didn't have much of a drinking binge or a kick-ass party for my birthday, I still have the coolest friends around. Among the auto paraphenalia that my wife gave me was a visor CD wallet... inside were about fifteen mix CDs made by various friends. I haven't listened to any of them yet, but I can't wait. At least the next few weeks of driving to work won't be boring.